woodworking class thumbnail


Get crafty with wood and various tools to build and repair wooden furniture and home items.

Course Overview

Deforestation is a global pressing concern. Locally, from 2001 to 2021, Malaysia lost 8.67Mha of relative tree cover, equivalent to a 30% decrease since 2000 and 2.0% of the global total. Saving our furniture and reducing wood consumption can make a considerable difference to the environment.

This course teaches just that: how to diagnose, repair and adjust your furniture to prolong its use, reducing the need to throw good quality and still usable wooden pieces away.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to get crafty with wood to build and repair wooden furniture and home items.
  • Learn how to use woodworking tools, leading to more long-lasting use of the items, waste reduction, and a more sustainable and environment-conscious lifestyle.

Who can benefit from this course?

Everyone from junior professionals to experienced company staff.

Course Details

Course Price

RM400 / person

Class Size

8 - 25 people

Course Duration

2 hrs

Delivery Method

In-Person Training

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