English & The Art Of Communication

2 mins read

What does English have to do with the art of communication? The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most desired skills for a successful workforce. Look through any job posting and you will often find “Candidate must possess excellent communication skills” as one of the requirements. In the fast-paced market, it is easier for your business to thrive when your employees are fluent in the art of communication. Where then does English fit in?

When conducting business at a local or international level, there is a good chance that English is the primary language of communication. Your employees spearhead communication daily when interacting with your customers or clients. Communication includes emails, phone calls, presentations, meetings, sales pitches and more. The ability to read, listen, understand and attend to the needs of customers effectively are all inter-related. The connecting point? A good grasp of the English language, of course. 

In Malaysia, we are blessed with diverse cultures and languages. Diversity is woven deep into our roots, allowing us to easily communicate and understand each other using a mix of native languages. However, when conducting business at an international level, it is often challenging to get your entire workforce to speak the same language. While some are fluent in English, others could be more comfortable speaking in Malay, Mandarin or Tamil. In situations such as these, the disparity in language often leads to communication barriers, ineffective instructions and even frustrated customers. 

Mastering The 4 Skills Of English Communication

The four skills involved in English communication are reading, writing, listening and speaking. A good grasp of these four skills supports employees in understanding and resolving the needs of your customers effectively. It is important to encourage your employees to communicate in English, even if they do not feel confident. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”.

When your employees master these four modes of communication, they are better equipped to deliver the best possible service to your customers and clients. Removing barriers to your communication does not happen overnight. However, once these barriers have been removed, your employees and business will thrive successfully in the global market.


Determine Your Employees Level Of English With A Free English Audit!

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